Meet our Team

  • Dan & Sherri Colvin

    Senior Leaders

    Dan and Sherri Colvin are the founders and lead Pastors of Center City, founded in 2005. The Colvin's calling and core purpose is to create an atmosphere to encounter the presence of God. They serve to empower and equip believers to walk in their God given destiny.  The Colvin's are the founders of Convergence School pioneered in 2009. Dan & Sherri have been greatly influenced by the leaders at Bethel Church in Redding California.  Since 2008 they have been encouraged and strengthened through the many relationships cultivated through Bethel. The Colvin's have been married 27 years and are parents to four: Molly, Sydney, Annie, and River.

    "There's More" is the heartbeat and message of their lives and ministry.

    Click the link to read Sherri's blog, The Prophetic Life at

  • Chad & Misty Snyder

    Associate Leaders

    In July of 2020 Chad & Misty officially came on staff at Center City. The Snyder’s were already family here, both Chad & Misty are graduates of Convergence. Chad faithfully served in Convergence for five years after graduating. Having the Snyder’s join our staff was a dream that was birthed in our hearts through relationship over the years. Chad oversees Street Convergence at CSSM and he has pioneered All Tribes, a city wide worship gathering. Chad & Misty are parents to two miracles, Mercy & Ezekiel.

  • Krista Ritter

    Administrative Assistant & Children's Ministry Coordinator


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  • Sydney Colvin

    Administrative Assistant & 

    Youth Ministry Coordinator


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  • Tisha Adkins

    Core Convergence Overseer


  • Paul Jobe

    Healing School & Teams Overseer

  • David & Sandy Sharpe

    RTF-Trained Ministers

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  • John & Sherri Hill

    RTF-Trained Ministers

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  • Doug Estes


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  • David Sharpe

    Intercessory Prayer Ministry Overseer

  • Kenny & McKenna Daniels

    Young Adults Ministry

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  • Paige Jobe

    Women's Ministry Team Leader